Monday, December 27, 2010

Lady Gaga's SPACEship is shot down.

Lady GAGA tries to fly her lobster shape space ship cover Pakisatan, Pakisatan Army unit on partol spots her space ship,they fire a suface to air misslie at,it, Lady Gaga 's space craft is by the Misslie,it hit its fuel tank,her space craft has enough fuel to make across the border in Iran, Where 5000 Iranian Troops,let her land her damaged spacecraft,she is giving a very warm welcome,by their psyopath president,who needs a shave and english lessons.
40,000 u.s and britsh fighter bombers fly across the border from paksatian ,into Iran,after Lady Gaga 's Lobster shape space craft.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lady GaGa visits Britney Spears .

A very Weird and Strange Looking Alien in human form, wearing a very Weird Looking Space Suit and she is a very strange Looking Space Helmut and goggles,She Lands her Lobster Shaped Alien Space ship on Britney Spears back, Britney Spears just out of the shower,wearing only a towel around her naked body,her 2 sons are watching cartoons on the cartoon network, on her giant wide screen hd tv set,Britney Spears is wearing her hair down,Britney Spears comes out of her giant fancy house, holding a pump shot pointing at Britney Spears,Britney Spears tries to shot Lady GaGa with her pump shot gun,Lady GaGa takes her new advanced mind control and youth shrink ray gun, she points at Britney Spears,First it makes Britney Spears drop her pump shot gun on the Lawn, Britney Spears,starts to feeling funny,Britney Spears starts to get younger and younger ,intill she regressees into a 1o year old girl again in her baggy fancy nightgown, Britney Spears is crying for her mommy, and after a few Lady GaGa GETS back in her in Lobster shaped spaceship, and blasts off and leaves Britney Spears house.

A very werid F.B.I Agent named Dale Cooper and his assigned partner named Sheriff Harry s.Truman, who pulled and parked his rented car in Britney Spears Driveway,These very 2 strange Law enforcements officals were assigned to the case of finding Alien Named Lady GaGa,while she is on the planet,earth.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hope these 3 doggie N.SA Agents find

I hope these 3 doggie N.S.A agents named Cheessy,Munkin, and Paco are able to Locate the very werid Alien named Lady GaGa ,who is the run, From the F.B.I and the U.S Miltary, here on the planet,earth.
The C.I.A WAS able to locate and find Lady GaGa's Space ship,which crashed into Lake Jeepers, 100 miles,from a spaceship, with 3 talking apes crashed Landed in the Pacific Ocean, Which was the Spaceship ,WHICH u.s SPACE Crewman Col,Taylor flew in to the planet ,earth of the year -3987, to a planet,earth,rulied by talking apes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lady GaGa seen naked at delay plaza

The Very WEIRD Alien named Lady GaGa was seen getting out of her stolen bmw, Lady GaGa took off her very strange Looking Alien Space Helmut off, that is shaped like a Lobster,Lady GagGa started to take off her strange Looking space suit and bra and underwear was as a alien naked woman in human form, she then put on her alien youth goddess outfit and turn herself into a baby girl ,she was wearing diapers and and climbed aboard her mimi baby playpen jet , which took off, by the time, the Dallas Police and The F.B.I GOT to the area, at dealy plaza, where she did the strip teses, Members from the N.S.A CAME to the same area, colected Lady GaGa's Space suit and Lobster shaped space helmut, they had them flown to the Johnson space center to have looked at.
Lady GaGa landed her hover craft baby playpen in the front yard of actress named Rachel Blanchard, Lady GaGa used and Pointed her Strange Looking youth shrink ray gun at Rachel Blanchard, and Turned Rachel Blanchard into a baby girl,Rachel Blanchard crawled out of her fancy dress, Lady GaGa took her sPECIAL Adult pill ,which turned her back into a naked alien woman in human, Lady GaGa stole the clothes Rachel Blanchard was wearing and put on her clothes, Lady GaGa put diapears on Rachel Blanchard ,who now was turned into a baby girl, and Rachard Blanchard was crawling on her front lawn ,DRINKING A baby bottle.
Lady GaGa Stole Rachel Blanchard 's car and drove off,real fast.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the search of alien being named Lady Gaga

an all air ,sea and search of a ailen being named Lady Gaga is being head and run by doggie u.s President Hugley and Doggie vice president Chula, President Hugazly ,who's oval office is at a doggie daycare place, has been in contact with president obama, and his staff, doggie President Hugazley was given permission from president obama, with starting a nation and world wide search of alien being named Lady Gaga who likes to wear werid outfits and dresses and lobsters for hats, she has been posing as a pop singer, in Los Angeless,cailforina, her space ship crashed in the water, off the coast of southern cailforina.
The u.s miltary, along with the doggie and human state departments have been joining in a search and capture of her.
The alien being named Lady Gaga does not like people taken her picture, with their camera, The human and doggie F.B.I and the Los Angeless Police Department consder her very dangerous and very cranky and very weird looking.
Doggie and human U.S Army speaial forces group teams and u.s army delta force members will be on the hunt for her, to find and capture, and turn her over to the C.IA, so they can turn her over to the u.s government space center, to find out what planet, she came from .